Unboxing GitHub

Chaitanya Tejaswi

15th June, 2020


Unboxing GitHub

Git vs GitHub

What’s Git?
Git is a distributed, version-control-system (VCS) for tracking changes in source code.
It was created by Linus Torvalds (= creator of Linux) to manage the Linux Kernel source code.

What’s Github?
GitHub allows you to host your content (probably source code) on the internet, allowing you to manage it using Git.

So, Git is the tool that allows you to manage several versions of a software;
GitHub gives you a website where you can post your work online, and manage it using Git.

What’s in it for you?
>> Answer
>> Source Code

Git Installation *

GitHub: SignUp

Goto [github.com]

GitHub: Create A New “Repository”

Goto [github.com/login]
Login using your Username & Password.

GitHub: Upload Files (Manual)

You can manually drag & drop files on GitHub.

GitHub: Upload Files (Auto)

You can update your files to/from GitHub, using Git from Shell/CommandPrompt.
The basic steps to do this are:

Practice: Upload Files

Goto [github.com]

README.md files

Markdown & HTML

Markdown & HTML are both markup languages (= we can mark elements of the file to uniquely identify them).

So, before learning markdown’s syntax, let’s learn HTML’s multimedia tags.

HTML: Multimedia Tags

<img> <audio></audio> <video></video>
<img   src="path/to/file.png"
       alt="No Image">

<audio src="path/to/file.mp3"
       controls preload>

<video src="path/to/file.mp4"
       controls preload>

MarkDown: Create Lecture Notes

We will study MarkDown syntax by writing content to a README.md file.

[README.md (code)] [README.md (output)]

GitHub Pages *

[README.md (output)] [README.md (webpage)]

Practice: Create/Modify README

Goto [github.com]

Repository: RESET (Soft/Hard)

What are Soft & Hard Resets?

A Soft Reset resets your local copy of the project to a previous version.
A Hard Reset resets your online copy of the project to a previous version (after executing git push).

git reset --soft 0ad5a7a6
git reset --hard 0ad5a7a6

When to use Soft & Hard Resets?

A Soft Reset is useful when you want to build on top of a previous version, starting from the current version. You do not delete any previous versions.
A Hard Reset is useful when you want to delete all modifications beyond a certain version, and want to build on from this version only.

Repository: DELETE


[1] “Getting Started with GitHub”
[2] “Git Large File Storage”
[3] “Git & GitHub Crash Course” by Brad Traversy
[4] “Comparing Open-Source Software Licenses”

Resources (Used In This Webinar)
